TOP 5 Myths About Subcontracting
Monday, 27 March 2023 / Published in News

Nr. 1 – Subcontractors are not reliable

Trust issues? Do not worry about thinking that subcontractors are not as reliable as full-time employees. In fact, during the times when you feel that you need a superman, who consumes multiple manpower with specialized skills, CONSTRO is here to save the day. The employees we obtain are experts in their fields and have a wealth of knowledge and experience that not only can but most certainly will benefit your business. We specialize in electricity and welding works and obtain all the needed certifications; therefore we are offering to bring unique skills to the project and ensure that it is completed to the highest standard.

Nr. 2 – Subcontracting is expensive

Budget, income, expenses, financial plan – these are often the words one is hearing when starting a project. These are also phrases that build a myth that subcontracting is more expensive than hiring full-time employees. This is not always the case, as subcontractors are not entitled to benefits, such as health insurance, training, or paid time off. Companies like CONSTRO provide certified employees, who are dressed and equipped with their own tools and robes. We also provide our own housing and transportation and that makes a cost-effective solution for your business.

TOP 5 Myths About Subcontracting

Nr. 3 – Subcontractors are not accountable

As in any other healthy relationship, we stand that running away from problems will not fix issues and will definitely not lead to a happy partnership. Therefore, a myth that states that subcontractors are not accountable for their work and easily can walk away from a project if things go wrong – is false. Not only because our integrity is clear, but also because we are bound by a contract that outlines responsibilities and obligations. We as a company value what we are committed to and always stand by our word.

Nr. 4 – Subcontracting is only for large businesses

Some medium size business owners believe that subcontracting is only for large businesses that have the resources to hire outside help. However, you should not think like that. Subcontracting can be beneficial for businesses of all sizes, especially those that have limited resources. CONSTRO can adapt to your requirements and provide from small to the large size of teams. We are always encouraging you to contact us and talk about what possibilities there can be that would suit both parties involved.

Nr. 5 – Subcontractors are not as committed as full-time employees

Finally, as the myth busters, we are presenting the final popular statement – subcontractors are not as committed to their work as full-time employees. We would like to stand against such beliefs. Why? Because subcontractors are committed to providing high-quality services to their clients, and many of them work on long-term projects that require a high level of dedication and commitment. CONSTRO is a company that takes pride in its work and is committed to building long-term relationships with its clients. We are happy by maintaining clients for several years and continuously working on their various projects.

Subcontractors can be a business accelerator

We want to say that subcontracting is a valuable business tool that can help businesses of all sizes to streamline their operations and reduce costs. The myths and misconceptions surrounding subcontracting can be dispelled by choosing a reputable company like CONSTRO. By hiring us, businesses can benefit from high-quality electrical engineering, industrial & commercial construction, and shipbuilding & repair services.

Common mistakes and how to solve them in subcontracting business
Monday, 05 December 2022 / Published in News

No communication plan

We bet there is no strategy existing that would not involve the magical word – „communication “. This list is no different as consistent communication is key in the subcontracting business sector. Without it, wrong assumptions and ideas can interfere with the process. It is necessary to schedule regular meetings and calls to share the process with your clients. This method allows you to avoid or address any potential issues or apprehension. Controlled and planned communication will also build a better business relationship with your partners, as that shows how serious you are about your work.

Incorrectly assessing time and budget

We all know the saying – time is money. That is a literal term to describe the subcontracting business. The mistake that usually can be made is overestimating your possibilities. Therefore, to succeed you must set realistic goals. Make sure that all parties involved agree with commitments and plans and everyone would be counted accountable so the project could be completed as close to deadlines and on budget.

Assuming all closeout documents are the same

As boring as it may sound, documentation is crucial to the business. Doing it right avoids any legal misconduct and shows the client the professionalism of your company. It is a must to carefully read and understand what is required. As papers can differ depending on the project, we suggest obtaining a legal advisor for such matters.

Common mistakes and how to solve them in subcontracting business

Not having an effective sales process

The sales process is combined from several key points, which must be operated correctly. First of all, know who your „Top Tier“ customer is. It means that you have to define the qualities of your client and determine how this definition will affect your profit plan. Then even if it seems obvious – you must sell effectively. Knowing the market and its pricing is crucial, you have to be ready to explain what benefits you are giving and how it affects your pricing. Further, keep your promises. Building relationship in a subcontracting business is a long-term commitment. You don‘t want to ruin it, by giving false pledges to the client. 

Avoiding scheduling issues

As you read it on the subline – do not avoid schedule issues. Ignoring such issues can give you a snowball effect – it starts with a small snow roll and grows out into a mountain avalanche. Such a manner can outgrow into problems within your work process as well as cause doubts about your reliability for the client. Collaborative and integrated management is necessary to avoid such troubles. 

Overestimating or underestimating costs

Projects are like living organisms, which means their development can be impacted by a variety of environmental causes. That is why it is necessary to make a detailed costing plan. If you underestimate it, you will lose money on already coveted jobs. Make sure to gather detailed information to get as close as possible to the circumstantial finance plan. 

How to build and maintain successful relationships with B2B clients
Thursday, 14 July 2022 / Published in News

How to know what client to look for?

How do we find our matching puzzle piece? First, set your goals as it will give you a clear focus on your business’s direction. Then, choose the main elements that are your priority. Martynas suggests focusing on your company’s activity, financial level, and approach to the market. With these steps, you will be able to narrow down your target audience based on your own needs. 

How to build and maintain successful relationships with B2B clients

First minutes with the client

You managed to get your first date; the question is – how to deliver a good first impression? We advise you to sell the meeting and not the product. In 2021 HubSpot made research, which stated that 60% of the clients are more likely to connect later – after they made evaluations on the available market. In other words, you have a few minutes to make an imposing impression before receiving a second call. Martynas’ secret on how to do it – make it personal. Ask questions regarding what problems have been encountered and ensure that it will not happen with you. A great help is having a portfolio as it gives a possibility to the client to learn about the quality and type of your service as well as the general project’s flow.

A portfolio will help as by generating and introducing it, the client has a possibility to learn about the quality and type of your service as well as the general project’s flow.

Maintaining relationship

Now as you managed to make a good first impression, you have to deepen and maintain your relationship. Usually, salespeople are the “first contact” to the client, so it is quite common that they become the face of the company. As the construction industry is highly competitive, it is the salespeople’s job to build a strong connection with the client as that will add predominance in the rivalry of price tags. Even though cold calls are an essential part of the mentioned process, it should be used only to break through the first contact. Our head of sales advice is to focus more on increasing the number of live introductory – face-to-face meetings. We have seen that such technique gives control to shift emotional level and help the client to empathize with the company. If live meetings are not possible – prioritize video calls. In 2020 3veta made research, which stated that 60% of clients prefer video connection compared to other methods. Give questions as to how the project is going, if there are any issues, and be interested in your company’s performing work.

Crisis management

The past few years have brought challenges due to events happening in the world. It affected businesses and client-supplier relationships. Therefore, Martynas suggests that in moments of crisis your management tool is – compromises. Asking how your company can help, is an effective way to maintain a relationship and look for the best option to minimalize financial damages. Listen to the client and be flexible, whether they want to finish the project quicker or postpone it. In 2020 survey was made by Shep Hyken, which stated that 96% of clients would consider switching their supplier due to poor customer service. That is why our Head of Sales concluded that providing flexible solutions regarding financial challenges becomes a huge trust driver for clients. Be willing to shift your plans if needed and it might not only help you to avoid damages but also consolidate your relationship with the client.

Long term relationship

Now that the first butterflies are over, what’s the next step? We are saying – commitment and a long-term relationship. Don’t sweat it, it might seem like a lot, but it is the main goal, which brings many benefits to the table. From the company’s point of view, it will bring stability and a possibility to grow. We feel that working with the best corporations in various countries brings network possibilities and security for a lifetime. From a technical point of view – it becomes easier to deal with emerging issues which leads to better results in projects and administration itself. So how can you reach this phase? Follow the steps mentioned above and put your company’s strengths on the high point. As we are working in multiple countries our legal terms are very strong, therefore there a very little to no issues regarding administrational work. However, be sure not to rest on laurels. If you come to a problem, admit it and fix it. In 2018 Sprout Social made a survey, which illustrated that 9 in 10 people would give a second chance to a company, which is and has a history of transparency and tells its story as it is.

Adding everything up 

As it was mentioned, the construction sector is highly competitive. If your provided service does not meet the expectations of the client you will not reach success. Therefore, the production department has to make sure that everything is done on their side. However, if that is done and you can manage to build a work relationship with the client it will let you stand out from the crowd. Based on all the topics that we‘ve discussed, we can say one thing – follow these pieces of advice, build a connection and it will become a core of your successful business.

RECOMMENDATION. Mindaugas sees CONSTRO as a very perspective and up-growing company
Monday, 26 July 2021 / Published in News

Recently, the company is rapidly improving and growing. Working in a good team is very important because it lets you feel good not only at work but also after work. During our days off we are going to the lake or sea. Before the COVID-19 pandemic has started, we were going to the cinema, bar, or club at weekends. At the moment I am working in Sweden. I was really surprised that a new team has met me very friendly, and has let me adapt to the environment and work easily.

RECOMMENDATION. Mindaugas sees CONSTRO as a very perspective and up-growing company

During my career in CONSTRO, I have visited Germany, Ireland, Finland, and Sweden. The knowledge that I get and the variety of visited places is an invaluable experience for me. I am very happy with the salary rise during these years. It cheers me up and motivates me to grow and improve. The CONSTRO company I would recommend for my friends, acquaintances, and everyone around me because here I am encouraged to travel, grow, and improve.

Exceptional CONSTRO Project with a European Dimension
Monday, 29 June 2020 / Published in News

A construction unit that required over 20 years of harmonisation work

Planning for the construction of Terminal 3 of Frankfurt Airport and negotiations with the City of Frankfurt began as early as in 1997. Due to the large-scale construction project, the harmonisation had taken more than 20 years before the implementation of the project finally started in 2018.
Frankfurt Airport currently offers direct flights to 130 countries around the world. Due to the popularity of the airport and the sharp increase in the flows of passenger traffic, the capacities of Terminal 1 and 2 are no longer sufficient to meet all needs of the travellers; therefore, the design work for Terminal 3 has been initiated.

Exceptional CONSTRO Project with a European Dimension

Pier G – a facility with a capacity to serve 4-5 million passengers

The initial phase of the implementation of Terminal 3 started with the construction and installation of Pier G, so that the organisation of flights could start as early as the end of 2021. The construction of Pier G is scheduled to be completed 2 years earlier than the entire Terminal 3. According to plans, Pier G will initially serve 4 to 5 million passengers, and, following the completion of the entire Terminal 3, the number of passengers is expected to increase up to 6-7 million.


Planned capacities of Terminal 3.

Customer trust and experience led to a successful start of the work

The installation of Pier G is planned to be completed by 2021 and the flights are scheduled to start already in the winter. This means that the construction companies and their employees involved are virtually participating in a kind of a marathon. One of these is our company, CONSTRO. We have undertaken to perform electrical installation work at Terminal 3 Pier G of the Frankfurt Airport.

Exceptional CONSTRO Project with a European Dimension
Work process for Terminal 3 Pier G.

When performing works for the Frankfurt Airport project, the efficient planning, as well as the quick and accurate completion of the planned work is of extreme importance. It is worth mentioning that following the completion of the Pier G project we will have installed and connected about 337 km of cables. This number means a distance nearly 50 km longer than a driving distance from Berlin to Hamburg. Furthermore, some of the work has to be carried out at a height of up to 10 meters. For this reason, only highly qualified professionals with extensive experience perform the works at the Pier G project. We are cooperating with other companies that perform construction and structural work in order to achieve the ultimate goal: the opening of Terminal 3 Pier G of the Frankfurt Airport in due time and launching the first flights in the winter of 2021.

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